Her Partner Is Constantly Scrolling Through TikTok And Watching Videos Of Hot Girls Instead Of Investing Time Into Their Relationship, And It Makes Her Feel Like Trash Because She Says She Will Never Look Like These Girls

Magryt - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Magryt - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old girl has spent the last 7 years with her partner, who is 34, and she never started questioning their relationship until recently.

She says that she has always been lucky in that she’s been small and attractive, which guys liked back when she was dating, so she never really had a hard time catching a guy’s interest.

Several years ago, though, she gave birth and since has put on 40 pounds. She was already left feeling terrible about herself because of the weight gain, but then her partner started spending all of his time on TikTok.

All he does is watch videos of hot girls dancing, and it’s making her feel like trash.

“I’ve never been in a relationship with someone who will sit next to me and scroll through and save videos of stunning women shaking their bodies that I will never look like,” she explained.

“I’m supposed to just pretend that doesn’t bother me. I don’t and never will look like that. I know I can’t tell him what he can and can’t do with himself…online, but I can say that it makes me feel like…garbage when he is just casually scrolling through his feed, liking and saving videos like that of women when I am sitting right next to him.”

Her partner is aware that his behavior is negatively impacting her self-esteem, but he still won’t stop what he’s doing.

Instead, he tries to pretend that he’s not watching videos like this when she does catch him.

She and her partner used to have a great relationship, but now they don’t, and she can’t help but blame his most recent obsession.

Magryt – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Things between her and her partner feel detached and as if the connection they used to have is just gone.

Not to mention, she feels like he doesn’t want her and doesn’t respect her anymore on top of all of this.

“For a while neither of us had TikTok, Snapchat, or Reddit because he asked if we could remove them due to his own insecurity and feeling like he was wasting too much time on them,” she said.

“Then one day he was showing me something on his phone and a TikTok notification popped up and when I asked when he downloaded it again he said he didn’t remember and got a bit defensive. Which is annoying because it was his idea to get rid of them in the first place.”

“I don’t know what to do because it feels like he just doesn’t care about how it’s making me feel and I don’t know if I’m being overly sensitive about this and I just need to let it go or if I should bring it up again and try to talk about it with him. I feel like it is just creating resentment.”

What advice would you give her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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