Her Wildest Bartending Story Involves Accidentally Letting A Woman Know That Her Husband Was Cheating On Them

Oleksii Nykonchuk - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Oleksii Nykonchuk - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Bartenders tend to see the craziest things during their shifts. From drunken fights to break-ups, people who work behind bars have pretty much seen it all.

One TikTok user shares one of her wildest bartending stories that involves uncovering a secret affair.

“This is one of my favorite stories where I did accidentally let somebody know that their partner was cheating on them,” says TikTok user Cayley Yanko (@imacayk).

Cayley has been a bartender for years and sat down to tell her TikTok followers a story about a couple that would come into the restaurant she worked for every single Wednesday.

The man would sit at the bar just before 5:00 PM, and the woman would always join him 10-15 minutes later.

They would order the same drinks every time. The man would get a margarita, and the woman would get a glass of cabernet.

After a drink, the couple would always ask Cayley if they could be seated at one of the tables she waitressed right near the bar.

“It became very apparent to me that these people were having an affair after quite some time,” explains Cayley.

There were little things she’d notice, like the fact that they both wore wedding rings but always referred to each other as “friends.” Yet they were consistently acting like a couple!

Oleksii Nykonchuk – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

One night, the man left his friend a bit early and left her sitting at the table alone. When Cayley went over to ask if she’d like another glass of wine, the woman ended up telling her the couple’s entire story.

“Me and her begin chatting, and I become ‘therapist Cayley,'” Cayley recalls.

It turns out that the woman has known the man for years and is in love with him. She decided to leave her husband for him and wanted him to leave his wife. After a bunch of emotional rambling, Cayley realized that this woman was more emotionally involved in the situation than the man.

A few weeks passed, and there was no sign of this couple anywhere. That is until one Friday night shift when Cayley sees the man walk into the restaurant with a woman. It’s important to note that on this night, Cayley forgot her contact lenses and had terrible vision.

Thinking that this couple had reunited for the first time in a while, Cayley offered them their usual drinks – a margarita for the gentleman and a glass of cabernet for the lady. That’s when the lady rolled her eyes and left the bar to sit at a table.

Much to Cayley’s surprise, her poor vision had failed her that night. It was not the man and his ‘friend.’ He was with his wife. The two women just happen to have very similar looks! Cayley’s co-worker, who served the couple that night, told her that she had spoiled his whole operation and that the wife knew what was happening.

“All I have to say is that man sure does have a type,” says Cayley. How scandalous!

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