
His 29-Year-Old Fiancée Has The Energy Of A Retired Person, So That’s Making Him Question If He Should Leave Her

sepy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 29-year-old man is currently engaged to a woman the same age as him, but he’s thinking it might be time to end their engagement and leave her for good.

He’s been with his fiancée for a decade, and she’s the very first real girlfriend that he ever had. His lack of experience in the dating department has caused him to be unaware of real problems in their relationship before.

He used to be incredibly lonely prior to his fiancée entering his life, and although he’s no longer lonely, he’s not exactly happy.

“As I’ve matured, I’ve realized that perhaps I’ve compromised too much to make this work at the risk of becoming lonely again, but at the cost of my own potential happiness,” he explained.

“2 years ago, we were very close to breaking up, but the pandemic changed that. At the time, I thought this was a good thing, but now I’m not so sure. In summary, the relationship currently “works” but feels mediocre.”

And what really contributed to him believing his relationship is mediocre comes down to the fact that his fiancée has the energy of a retired person, not someone in the prime of their life.

She acts more like someone twice her age, she never has the energy to do anything, and she also has a bad attitude most of the time.

She’s short with him, she’s always got a nasty look on her face, and she’s texting him every single day, stating that she doesn’t feel good.

She also suffers from chronic headaches, which impacts her ability to do things with him, and she has gained a lot of weight while also developing a hunch to her back.

sepy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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