
A Girl Canceled Their Third Date After She Saw His Outfit

romannoru - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A week ago, this 26-year-old guy started seeing a 29-year-old girl, and he thought things between them were moving quite fast.

He really did like her, and she felt the same way. They essentially went on two dates in one week, and then this past Saturday, she asked him if they could go out on date number three.

She actually asked if she could go fishing with him for their third date, and he said yes. He texted her the exact location of where their date would be on Friday, and he pointed out that they were going to be fishing on a pier.

He figured she knew what he was talking about since they had gone to the beach together two days earlier.

When Saturday arrived, he grabbed his fishing gear, got some bait, and drove 45 minutes to get to her house. He was dressed in black swim trunks, a black band shirt, and flip-flops.

She made a comment about his flip-flops when she saw what he had on, and he reminded her that they’re going to the beach.

She replied that she had no clue he meant that they were going to have a beach day, as she didn’t understand that’s what he meant when he told her about fishing on the pier.

“She tells me I should’ve planned something else and didn’t want to do the beach again,” he explained.

“I find a different fishing spot for us. We get in the car, then she tells me, “You really need to get a new wardrobe. Like, what you’re wearing is really turning me off. I don’t think I want to go fishing with you. I think we are at different points in our lives, and I don’t want to waste your time.”

romannoru – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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