
His Wife Took A Polygraph Test After She Cheated In An Effort To Earn His Trust Back

Fxquadro - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Five years ago, this 40-year-old man’s 38-year-old wife cheated on him. Back then, his wife was a stay-at-home mom, and her affair partner was a married man she met through activities their kids participated in together.

His wife’s affair partner had a work schedule that allowed him to be at home all day long, so it was easy for his wife to find time to cheat.

His wife and her affair partner took turns meeting up at one another’s homes, and then the wife of his wife’s affair partner discovered the affair.

“My wife confessed everything after she got caught and begged for forgiveness,” he explained. “I didn’t give it but didn’t want to break up the family, so I just stayed.”

“I refused marriage counseling because I wasn’t interested in reconciling. But she stayed anyway and spent every day trying to earn my love back.”

He still has not forgiven his wife five years later, and he also won’t give her any affection, even though she still tries her best to obtain both.

Of late, he’s found himself wondering how much longer he can hold out on refusing to forgive his wife for her infidelity.

His wife goes to work and out to buy things at the store, and other than that, she does not leave their house.

She lets him look through her phone and never keeps it on her. He also has the passcode, so he can access it at any time.

Fxquadro – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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