She And Her Husband Planned On Making Dinner Together, But After Her Husband Ditched Her To Hang Out With His Friends, She Threw The Food In The Trash

gstockstudio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
gstockstudio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman and her husband have been eating takeout and frozen food for the last several years now.

For their New Year’s resolution, they both said that they would like to begin cooking their food at home instead of continuing with the way they have been eating.

Originally, her husband came up with this plan, but when he told her about it, she was eager to jump on board.

“We planned a big meal to kick it off with a roasted chicken and lots of sides that we could save and eat throughout the week,” she explained.

“The day before, I prepped a bunch of the veggies for sides and the spices (I grow them but have never really used them for cooking) the day before.”

Well, their cooking day arrived, and her husband mentioned to her that he wanted to go spend time with his friends.

She said that was no problem, but she would like to be back at a specific hour so they could make dinner, as they had already planned on doing.

Well, when that time rolled around, her husband still was not home. So, she took it upon herself to make the chicken, and then she again reached out to her husband to ask that he come home to assist with their side dishes.

“Again, that didn’t happen, and by the time everything was done, he was still out drinking with buddies, and when I called somewhat angry, he hung up on me,” she said.

gstockstudio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“I took all the food and threw it into the dumpster. I know it was a waste of perfectly good food, and I’m wrong for that, but I was so mad that this thing we were supposed to be doing together turned out to just be me cooking while he went out and got drunk with friends.”

Her husband believes it was super mean of her to toss all the food out in a fury.

She feels that if he was the one who was so dead set on cooking at home, he should have been there to help instead of ditching her to hang out with his friends.

Regardless, she’s left wondering if she really was in the wrong here. What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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