She Found Her Front Door Open One Morning And Thought Her Apartment Had Been Robbed, But After Finding Out Her Roommate Had Just Forgotten To Lock The Door Again, She Ended Up Screaming At Her

This 20-year-old woman currently lives with a roommate, who is also 20-years-old. And ever since moving in together, she has had one major issue with her roommate– security.
More specifically, her roommate would always leave the door to their apartment unlocked– which she obviously was not okay with.
So, after a while, she decided to deal with the issue head-on and confront her roommate. And according to her, her roommate did appear pretty receptive to her at first.
Still though, ever since then, she claims that her roommate’s “habit” of forgetting to lock the door has not changed.
This became glaringly apparent to her just a couple of days ago, too, after one seriously scary incident.
It all began while she was trying to fall asleep one night this past week and ended up not being able to.
So, after staying up until 7:00 a.m., she finally decided to head downstairs to grab an energy drink.
Now, as soon as she got down there, the first thing that she noticed was a light coming from her apartment’s front door. Then, as she moved closer, she realized that the door was both unlocked and cracked open.
And amidst that realization, the first reasonable conclusion she jumped to was that someone had broken into her apartment.

Iona – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
She was quickly thrust into panic mode and immediately went to go wake up her roommate.
Then, once her roommate had woken up, she explained how the door had not been closed all the way and was honestly freaking out pretty badly.
But, it appears that she had been frightened for no reason– because her roommate admitted to not locking the door again.
“Oh, that’s most likely my fault. I got delivery pretty late and probably forgot to close the door,” her roommate actually said.
So, if you could not have guessed, she was beyond furious. What made her the most upset, though, was reportedly how “nonchalantly” her roommate acted about the entire situation.
Plus, since she was already exhausted, she ended up kind of freaking out on her roommate. First, she asked what was wrong with her roommate. Then, she pointed out how she had asked her roommate to be more careful numerous times.
“We’ve been living in this flat for five months now, and now you can’t even shut the door properly?” she also yelled.
“Are you a child? Should I tape a goddamn sign to the door that reminds you to close it?”
She also admitted that she never really let her roommate get in a word in following her “rant.” Instead, she just stormed back to her bedroom.
Later on, though, she revealed that she started to feel a bit bad about the whole situation. She has since apologized to her roommate, and they ended up going grocery shopping together afterward.
“And everything seems okay between us,” she added.
Nonetheless, she still feels pretty bad. So, she has been left wondering if waking her roommate up at 7:00 a.m. and yelling at her about leaving the front door open was an unreasonable thing to do or not.
If you woke up and found your front door open, would you jump to the same conclusion that you had been robbed? Is it understandable why she got so angry at her roommate after realizing she had been terrified for nothing? Why do you think her roommate keeps failing to remember to lock their door? If you were in her shoes, would you have handled the situation any differently?
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