She Brought Home A Kitten Even Though She Knew Her Roommate’s Elder Cat Did Not Like Other Cats, Yet After Her Roommate’s Cat Started Being Aggressive, She Wanted Her Roommate To Isolate Their Pet In One Room

Svetlana Fedoseeva - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or kitten
Svetlana Fedoseeva - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or kitten

This 24-year-old woman currently lives with her girlfriend, who is 25. They also have another roommate, who is a 23-year-old woman.

Now, she, her girlfriend, and their roommate all share a two-bedroom apartment and have been living together for about two years now. And up until recently, they had all gotten along just fine.

However, she claims that her roommate currently has an elderly cat that is honestly quite mean. Apparently, the cat does not like her or her girlfriend and will run away whenever they try to pet or pick up the animal. So, she and her girlfriend just try to avoid the feline.

According to her, her roommate also asked if she or her girlfriend had any cats prior to moving in– because apparently, her roommate’s cat “does not like other cats.”

She and her girlfriend did not have any other pets at the time, though, so it worked out.

“We did tell her that we might want one someday,” she noted.

But her roommate was seemingly fine with that and just said they would all have to revisit the issue if it ever came up.

Well, just recently, she and her girlfriend have now “gotten to a place” where they finally want to get a pet of their own. And after they saw a kitten at a local shelter, they just fell in love with the male cat.

She also reached out to her landlord and got the stamp of approval to bring the cat– whose name is Banana Pudding– home this week.

Svetlana Fedoseeva – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or kitten

It appears that she and her girlfriend did not get their roommate’s approval, though, because after they brought Banana Pudding home, her roommate was beyond furious.

Her roommate pointed out how both she and her girlfriend were aware that her roommate’s cat absolutely despised other cats. Plus, they were supposed to talk about a change of arrangement as a group.

She did not really care about that, though, and told her roommate that it was unfair for her and her girlfriend to have to “tiptoe around” the other cat.

On top of that, she claimed that as long as their landlord was okay with the new pet, then she was allowed to get her own pet at any time.

“[My roommate] couldn’t expect us to never get a pet or to cater to her cat’s needs twenty-four-seven,” she vented.

Anyway, that initial conversation did end there for a brief time. But, unfortunately, her roommate’s cat’s behavior reportedly started to “escalate.” More specifically, the feline would hiss and swat at Banana Pudding “just for existing.”

So, she and her girlfriend ultimately asked their roommate to keep the cat in her bedroom– claiming that the animal was elderly and aggressive. Her roommate just immediately refused, though, and has refused to speak to them ever since.

Her roommate has also accused her and her girlfriend of being major jerks and has since gotten some of their mutual friends to agree.

“I personally think that if her cat is so aggressive and uncomfortable, it is her responsibility to live alone,” she revealed.

Her girlfriend, on the other hand, is having second thoughts.

Apparently, the situation in their house has become so hostile that her girlfriend has been crying and is considering taking Banana Pudding back to the shelter.

So now, she has been left wondering whether asking her roommate to isolate their cat was the wrong thing to do or not.

Do you think she should have approached her roommate first before bringing home a new cat? Is it her roommate’s fault that they already had an older cat who happened to not like other cats? Is it fair of her to expect the elder cat to be confined to one room? Who is in the wrong here? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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