
She Found Out That A Guy Was Coming Into Her Apartment, Sometimes When She Was Home Too, And She Has No Idea How Many Times This Creep Did This

On days when she would come home from her in-person class, she often noticed that the box she kept her underwear in would be sitting in the middle of her bedroom floor.

“I always could have sworn I’d put the underwear box away after getting ready for class, but I chalked it up to me forgetting as a result of having to get up early and being focused on getting to class on time,” she recalls.

However, things continued to get even stranger in her apartment. Articles of clothing would go missing entirely.

One day, when she went to her boyfriend’s apartment to quickly help him with something, she had intentionally left all of her lights on.

When she returned, every single light had been turned off. Even the heat lamp she kept above her pet lizard’s habitat was turned off, which she kept on 24/7. Her laptop that she left open had also been turned off and shut.

At first, she thought something had happened with her apartment’s electricity, but when she flipped the switch for the main light in the apartment, it turned on. It then became clear to her that someone had been in her apartment.

When she called her building’s emergency maintenance number to tell them that someone with a key to her apartment had been inside without her permission, the building manager accused her of “imagining things.”

They even suggested that someone she had given her keys to was playing a prank on her. However, the only other people who had her key were her boyfriend and mother, who she knows certainly did not enter her apartment at that time.

Her manager finally agreed to change her front door locks to give her “peace of mind.”Although he tried to assure her that the staff’s keys to every apartment were locked in a safe space surrounded by security cameras, she was still skeptical.

Then, after thinking about who in the building may have a key to her apartment, she remembered one maintenance man who had a bad habit of entering her place at bad times.

“One day, I was sitting in my living room, and this scruffy maintenance guy walked in without knocking or announcing himself,” she remembers. “I hadn’t received a notice to expect him.”

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