She Uninvited Her Future Mother-In-Law From Her Wedding After She Got Called A Terrible Name, But Now Her Fiancé Is Furious And Threatening To Leave Her Unless She Fixes The Situation

This twenty-seven-year-old woman is currently engaged and will be marrying her fiancé, who is forty-five, in July. This will not be her first wedding, though, as she was married once before.
In fact, she and her first husband got together when they were very young. Sadly, though, her late husband passed away when she was just twenty-three– leaving her with their two children.
Now, she obviously has gotten engaged again and is excited to tie the knot with her fiancé. However, her soon-to-be mother-in-law actually does not know the whole story about her past– simply because she claims to be a private person who just does not know her fiancé’s mother all that well yet.
“I really only discuss [my late husband’s] passing once I am incredibly close with someone,” she explained.
“I have only spoken to my mother-in-law on a handful of holidays and never had a conversation that extended far beyond the basics.”
Of course, though, Thanksgiving was not too long ago. And she and her fiancé actually happened to host the holiday celebration at their home this year.
So, she coordinated the entire day and cooked all of the food. Then, once the day came, she honestly felt really proud and accomplished. After all, she was excited to spend the day and make new memories with her soon-to-be family.
There was just one problem, though. Apparently, she forgot to make mashed potatoes– and the missing side reportedly put her mother-in-law in a “very pissy mood.”
Thankfully, her soon-to-be sister-in-law did offer to run to the store and purchase some instant mashed potatoes– which she was very grateful for.

dariyad – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
And while her fiancé’s sister was gone, she was asked to check on the kids– which included her own children and her sister-in-law’s youngest daughter.
At that point, her sister-in-law apparently realized that the kiddos upstairs had been way too quiet– which is usually a sign that children are up to no good. And she agreed with her sister-in-law before heading upstairs.
After reaching the children, though, she found all of the kids completely invested in the movie “Encanto.”
So, she headed back downstairs and was kind of confused about why the rest of her fiancé’s family– including her mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, and her soon-to-be niece, who is fifteen– were so quiet at the dinner table upon her return.
Still, she did not think much of it and continued on with the dinner. Once the meal was over, though, and everyone began to head out, her teenage niece decided to pull her aside and spill the beans.
Apparently, while she had been upstairs checking on the kids, her mother-in-law had made a really rude comment about her.
More specifically, her mother-in-law asked why her fiancé would want to be with someone who is “already used up.”
Plus, her mother-in-law claimed that running around with “someone like that” would ruin her fiancé’s reputation among men. How beyond rude!
Now, her niece claimed that she would not have felt right if she did not reveal what happened at the dinner table.
“And I thanked her profusely, honestly completely in shock at what I had just heard,” she recalled.
By that point, though, her mother-in-law had already left her home. But that did not stop her from wanting to confront the issue– since she believes that confrontation helps nip drama in the bud and allows people to move on.
So, she ended up giving her mother-in-law a call and asking if what her niece had said was really true. Then, after a long pause of silence, her mother-in-law confessed to making those horrible comments.
There was no apology or remorse at all, though. Instead, her mother-in-law just continued to dig into her harder– even making a comment about how it is good she knows “how everyone feels now” since her mother-in-law was “getting tired of hiding it.”
And after hearing that, she was understandably upset and actually started crying on the phone. Despite that, her mother-in-law still kept going!
“You act like a s***; you get treated like one,” her mother-in-law actually said.
Now, that specific comment not only upset her but also made her absolutely enraged. So, in a moment of anger, she decided to just uninvite her mother-in-law from the wedding altogether.
Shockingly, though, even after hearing about what happened afterward, her fiancé was actually furious with her! In fact, he actually threatened to leave her unless she fixed her relationship with his mother!
So, her fiancé and all of their friends have since been ostracizing her and calling her a total jerk for treating her future mother-in-law that way. In turn, she has been left wondering if uninviting her fiancé’s mom from their wedding was a reasonable reaction to the comments or if she actually crossed a line.
Can you imagine if your soon-to-be mother-in-law said those things about you? Why do you think her fiancé did not stand up for her? If you were in her shoes, would you have uninvited your fiancé’s mom, too? After seeing how her fiancé reacted, do you think she needs to get out of this relationship as soon as possible?
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