This Nurse’s Life Fell Apart As She Worked Through The Pandemic, And Now She’s Thinking Her Husband Was Really To Blame In A Big Way

pikselstock - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
pikselstock - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 37-year-old woman is a nurse, and she worked throughout the pandemic in an enormous hospital.

She spent 2 years taking care of the patients on the COVID floor, and she really did love her job until she discovered that her heart was no longer in it.

The pandemic really was to blame for losing the love that she had for being a nurse.

“The trauma of non-stop work weeks and endless overtime while watching patient after patient die led to total dissociation,” she explained.

“I had non-stop panic attacks outside of work and felt out of body while at work. They refused to cut my hours, and I eventually fizzled out and quit without notice. During COVID, my husband (42M) had a job that closed off and on, giving him about 8 months off in total.”

But throughout the pandemic, while her husband wasn’t working really, she would still come home to a disaster area.

Her house was always messy, and the dog had gone to the bathroom frequently in her home too. On top of that, her husband never offered to make dinner and basically never did any of their laundry or dishes.

Sometimes, her husband would do laundry if she begged on end for him to pitch in. Now, her husband has forever been lazy and disorganized, but that never irritated her because their house never got gross when he was out at the office.

In the end, her husband’s inability or unwillingness to help keep their home clean added to her feeling like her life had completely fallen apart in the pandemic.

pikselstock – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

She and her husband have been married to one another for 16 years, and she does really love him.

He’s got a wonderful personality and sense of humor, and she can tell that he loves her a lot too. She loves getting to spend her free time with him, and they don’t have children or problems outside of how messy he is at home.

“But this is now causing me a lot of resentment,” she said. “I took a year off for mental health, I stayed home full time, and he worked more hours to make that happen. But now I’m getting back into the workforce at a little place only 4-5 days a month and increasing slowly.”

“But every time I come home from work, the house is a bomb. Tonight again – pee on the tile floor, chip bags strewn on the floor and stuffed in cushions. No fewer than 6 drink cups, plates, bowls, and random forks everywhere. Dirty laundry tossed everywhere, clean laundry on the bed, no sheets- I’d asked him to at least make the bed as I had to wash the comforter after he left the little dog in bed too long, and she peed it.”

“He says, “but I made you dinner,” which was 6 overcooked potatoes he had left in the oven since 6 pm; it was now midnight. Plus, some meat which apparently required every saucepan, skillet, and strainer we own. Sauces and spices smear every surface except where garbage lays. He apologized and ran to clean the urine up – I look over to see him pouring bleach onto the floor before wiping it up with my new Christmas gift – fancy bath towels.”

Her husband could have used a stack of ancient and destroyed towels to pick up after their dog, but instead, he picked the super nice new ones.

She doesn’t see herself spending another 16 years married to him while being so upset about this mess.

She also is interested in picking up more shifts at work, but she can’t bear the thought of leaving the house for that long only to come home and find it far worse off than when she left it.

What do you think she should do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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