This Online Murder Paraphrenalia Site Is Selling Jeffrey Dahmer’s Glasses For $150,000 Along With A Slew Of Other Items Owned By The Serial Killer

Ever since Netflix released Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story in September, the infamous serial killer has reentered the public spotlight. And many do not think that is a good thing.
The series essentially gave viewers an inside look from the murderer’s perspective– dramatizing the story and, according to many dismayed viewers, romanticizing the heinous crimes.
Aside from the mixed opinions that the Netflix original spurred, though, there is no doubt that the series’ release also sparked a ton of other Dahmer intrigue online.
In fact, one online store which specializes in the sale of murder paraphernalia is even trying to capitalize on the media frenzy.
Cult Collectibles is a “murderabilia” site based in Vancouver and owned by Taylor James. The online store sells “rare and one-of-a-kind items from the world of true crime and cults”– boasting merchandise from countless killers and criminals, mass and school shooters, counterculturists, and cults.
The newest addition to the site, though, is known as the Jeffrey Dahmer Collection. There, anyone can purchase everything from the killer’s unseen crime scene photos and psych reports to legal paperwork and childhood school projects.
One of the most notable additions to the collection, though, is the glasses that Jeffrey Dahmer wore in prison– which were put up for sale for one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
Taylor James reportedly acquired these glasses, along with a slew of other Dahmer-owned items, after being contacted by Dahmer’s father’s housekeeper.
Then, James apparently agreed to manage and sell the merchandise as long as he was afforded a cut of the profits.

Milwaukee Police Department – pictured above is Jeffrey Dahmer in a mugshot
Much of the Dahmer merchandise being sold on the site is not cheap– with some legal documents costing upward of three thousand and five hundred dollars and the killer’s handwritten school project on sale for a whopping fifteen thousand dollars.
According to James Taylor, though, Dahmer’s glasses are special, which is why they were given an extreme price point.
“This is probably the rarest thing, the most expensive thing, maybe the most one-of-a-kind thing, that is ever going to be on Cult Collectibles, ever. Hands down,” the owner stated in a Youtube video.
It is now widespread common knowledge that Jeffrey Dahmer murdered seventeen boys and young men from 1978 to 1991. Most of these heinous crimes took place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with many of the victims being Asian, Black, or Latino men. A majority of the victims were also young gay individuals, ranging from fourteen to thirty-two years of age.
After Dahmer was arrested in 1991, he also admitted to torturing the victims, preserving their bodies, and partaking in cannibalism.
These monstrous acts earned him fifteen life sentences plus seventy years in prison. However, Dahmer’s life in prison was actually short-lived– because, by November 29, 1994, he was murdered by a fellow inmate in the prison bathroom.
So, according to Taylor James, the fact that Dahmer wore those glasses during his short stay in prison is what makes the merchandise so valuable.
“These were in his cell when he was killed in prison. He wore them at least for his full time in prison, and then they were in storage,” Taylor explained.
Now, the glasses are not listed directly on the Cult Collectibles site alongside the other Dahmer paraphernalia. Instead, Taylor intends to negotiate with prospective buyers in private and claims to have already privately sold another pair of Dahmer’s glasses.
Understandably, though, the fact that the killer’s former belongings are being used to churn a profit does not sit well with many people. Most notably, the peaking interest in Dahmer as a person following Netflix’s series has unnerved the families of his victims.
Many opted to speak out following the show’s release, including Rita Isbell– who is the sister of nineteen-year-old victim Errol Lindsey. In 1991, Lindsey was subjected to a gruesome death after Dahmer drilled a hole in his head and poured hydrochloric acid into it.
Then, at Dahmer’s trial, Rita gave a speech– and it was later reproduced in Netflix’s series.
“When I saw some of the show, it bothered me, especially when I saw myself; when I saw my name come across the screen and this lady saying verbatim exactly what I said,” Isbell said in a statement following the show’s release.
“It brought back all the emotions I was feeling back then. I was never contacted about the show. I feel like Netflix should have asked if we mind or how we felt about making it. They didn’t ask me anything. They just did it.”
Despite the feelings of those affected by Dahmer’s despicable crimes, though, there is currently nothing that can be done to stop the perpetuation of his infamous legacy online and in marketplaces like Cult Collectibles.
So, Dahmer’s prison glasses will remain up for sale for any hopeful buyers, and the rest of the killer’s paraphernalia is still available on the online marketplace.
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