What Would You Do If You Only Had Twenty-Four Hours Left To Live And Infinite Money?

Have you ever laid awake late at night wondering what you would do if you only had one more day left to live? Let’s be honest: we all have.
Would you travel to that European country you’ve always wanted to visit? Perhaps, or maybe the flight would take up too many of your dwindling hours.
Instead, you might try to initiate some social change or give back to the community. For others, spending time with family would be of utmost importance, right?
Well, if you have ever wondered what other people would do with their remaining twenty-four hours, one Reddit user recently opened up that can of worms.
They set the scene for the online community: your doctor tells you that you only have one day left, there are no laws, and you have infinite money. Then, they asked the people of Reddit how they would spend their final hours.
And surprisingly, most of the answers are seriously touching.
Of course, there were some jokesters who immediately commented, “get a second opinion,” in regards to the doctor bit. But then, many others actually detailed how family time would be their main priority.
Those who have partners or spouses shared how they would want to revel in the romance for as long as they could.
“I would be glued to my partner those last few hours, and they would be glued to me. No money or illegal activities needed.” –Random_silly_name

Nutlegal – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
“I would absolutely be napping, eating, and cuddling with my husband the whole time.” –Oible
People with children and grandchildren also chimed in, and honestly, some of the responses might have you tearing up.
“I’d spend it with my wife and kids. Write letters to my kids for each of their birthdays until they are eighteen, as well as make videos for each of them. Give them the best advice I can give to help them succeed in life. Let my wife know I love her and that it’s okay to mourn, but don’t take too long. It’s okay to move on and find someone who loves and treats her and the kids properly.” –Mrhyde87
“Transfer ten million dollars each to my good friends’ and family members’ bank accounts. Set up a trust fund so that my family and friends will never be homeless and have healthcare for life. Spend the last day with my granddaughter, hoping she remembers me, and write some letters and record videos– so my last wishes would be carried out.” –Xshakes
Other people would cuddle their dogs and eat a ton of their favorite delicious foods, as well as give back to the community.
“Donate most of it to a charity providing clean water and food to the poor.” –Tuttut97
“Hire a cab for the day. Tip the driver enough money to retire. Hit up every church, house of worship, and charity to make huge donations to each. Find every homeless person and just give them a silly amount of money. Figure out who the golden souls are in the homeless community and give them enough to get the neighborhood homeless back on their feet forever. After that, I would visit every hospital in my area and clear everyone’s medical debt.” –Goodrighter
If you had twenty-four hours left to live, would your priorities be similar? Or, would you partake in some other risky once-in-a-lifetime activities, like skydiving or bungee jumping?
You can read the original thread on Reddit here.
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