Her Boyfriend Loves Going To Upscale Restaurants, But He Always Ends Up Humiliating Her Because His Table Manners Are So Bad

goodluz - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
goodluz - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 30-year-old woman has a boyfriend the same age as her, and her boyfriend is pretty well-off. He makes approximately $350,000 annually, and he really loves spending his money at upscale restaurants.

He does invite her to come with him, but every time they go out to eat, she just ends up feeling humiliated by his behavior at the table.

Recently, she and her boyfriend went to a very nice restaurant that has a Michelin star. The menu was set, yet her boyfriend questioned their waiter about making some changes to the things on the menu for him.

He also wanted to know if the chef would be able to make all of his food super spicy. The waiter told her boyfriend that they make no changes to the food they serve, as it is a set menu, and the waiter also said that the best he could do about the spiciness would be giving him chili flakes on the side.

She wasn’t happy that her boyfriend tried to change the menu around, and she believes that if that’s how you feel, you should stay home and cook for yourself.

She then gave another example of her boyfriend’s embarrassing behavior, and on this occasion, they went to a fancy Korean BBQ place.

“He takes the side dishes such as corn, jalapeño peppers, white rice, broccoli, raw onions and mixes it up in the tin tray that the meat came in and puts soy sauce and ketchup in it and lets it cook on the BBQ where the meat is supposed to cook,” she explained.

“He then proceeds to offer his mixed up gunk to everyone around the table (mind you this is something that a 5-year-old would make).”

Her third example involved a trip to a high-end steakhouse with some of her boyfriend’s friends, and they all decided to get their own entrees.

goodluz – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

“When he got his plate, he started to chop up his food and starts spoon-feeding his food to everyone around the table,” she said.

“I feel so embarrassed that he doesn’t have any table manners, and IDK how to confront a grown man about this.”

How do you think she can begin to address this with her boyfriend?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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