
A Guide To What Guys Are Actually Trying To Find In A Relationship, Because We Know You Were Wondering

He will appreciate your thoughtfulness and likely feel a stronger bond with you because you are so understanding.

#3: Men need to be able to be vulnerable without judgment.

From the moment we are born, men are taught to be strong and independent. Boys are taught that the stoic is the epitome of manliness – keeping a poker face and having exceptional emotional control. To show vulnerability is a weakness.

As a result, men often take longer than women to open up emotionally in a relationship.

So first off, patience will be necessary. Do not try to force him to open up – he will push back, and your job becomes more challenging.

Secondly, you need to demonstrate you can accept him in a vulnerable state. If he gets bad news or shows emotional vulnerability, you must show him you are okay with that. If he sees that you love and accept him even at his lowest, that emotional bond can blossom into a strong connection.

If he sees any hint that you cannot handle when he shows his emotions, he will bottle them back up and will be less likely to allow you to see them again.

#4: Men need to feel needed.

What you can do: is make them feel like a superhero to you.

Men want you to see them as your superhero. They want to be the one you turn to when you need a shelf fixed or a jar opened. They want you to be impressed when they complete a tough challenge you would have struggled with, such as fixing the car or moving the heavy desk across the room.

Ask them for help now and then (even if you don’t need their help) to give them this feeling. You can also ask for his advice to solve a problem (men love fixing things). Men want to feel like a hero, so give them opportunities to be your hero.

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