After His Ex-Fiancé’s Sister Helped Him Realized His Ex Was Cheating, He Called Off The Wedding, Gave His 10-Day Honeymoon Vacation To Her, And Now His Ex Is Furious

olegparylyak - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
olegparylyak - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When this 26-year-old guy was in high school, he met his ex-fiancé’s sister. And at the time, the sister started dating his best friend.

Then, come senior year, his ex’s sister ended up getting pregnant. So, she and his best friend tied the knot shortly afterward.

Anyway, once he graduated high school, he decided to join the military. He ultimately served for six years before getting medically discharged.

And once he left the service, he got a good job that allowed him to travel a couple of times each month, and he finally started dating his ex.

Spoiler alert: he and his ex eventually got engaged, and they started to plan a nice wedding together.

While the couple was finishing up some last-minute wedding planning, though, he noticed a strange text that popped up on his ex-fiancé’s phone.

It was from his ex’s sister, and it read, “Have you told him about what you did with your ex-boyfriend? If you don’t do it tonight, I will tomorrow.” Yikes!

Obviously, he started questioning his ex about what the text meant. And, if you could not have guessed, his ex just kept trying to play the whole thing off.

He was not going to let that cryptic message slide, though, and kept pressing his ex. So, eventually, she claimed that she ran into her ex during her bachelorette party but reassured him that nothing had happened.

olegparylyak – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“It was an obvious lie,” he said.

So, once his ex fell asleep, he decided to go through her entire phone. There were reportedly countless texts and pictures messaged between the pair beginning from when they first started dating.

He also realized that every single time he went away on a work trip, his ex and her old boyfriend would get together to hook up.

Understandably, he was enraged, and he took screenshots as proof to send to his own phone. Then, he woke his ex up, ended their relationship, and kicked her out.

“I told her ‘Stephanie’ looked a lot like her ex-boyfriend and showed her one of the screenshots of them together in my bed. She started to cry, and I gently got her out the door,” he recalled.

After all of that, he also obviously canceled all of their wedding plans. Then, he needed some help calling everyone on the guest list to inform them that the engagement was called off.

During that process, his ex’s sister– who, remember, is also his best friend’s wife– came clean about what had happened during the bachelorette party.

She detailed how, while at the celebration, she caught his ex sneaking away with the other guy to have intimate time.

Then, after his ex’s sister confronted his ex, she gave his ex two options– either his ex came clean herself, or the beans would be spilled.

It is important to note, though, that his ex’s sister had no clue that the cheating had been an ongoing thing.

Anyway, he also eventually had to deal with his honeymoon vacation. Originally, he had planned it with all of his ex’s interests in mind.

The vacation was going to be a 10-day trip to another country that his ex always said was her “once in a lifetime bucket list” destination.

Once he called off the wedding, though, he already lost about $10,000. So, he did not want to lose any more money by canceling the honeymoon trip, too.

This pushed him to offer up the vacation to his best friend and his best friend’s wife– who is also his ex’s sister.

He knew that the couple never got to go on a honeymoon. In fact, they never got to go on any real vacations, to begin with, being that they had kids and got married so young.

“Also, they just saved me money and time,” he added, referring to how his ex’s sister saved him from marrying a cheater.

So, the couple ended up accepting his offer. They were able to take time off of work and make childcare arrangements for their kids.

Eventually, though, his ex found out about what he had done, and she was beyond livid. Apparently, she would not stop flipping out, calling and texting him about how much he was a jerk for “doing that to her.”

His ex claimed that he knew how much the trip meant to her. Moreover, he actually got accused of ruining her life.

The drama did not end there, though. Instead, he started receiving texts from other friends and family members to who his ex had lied. So, they also started blaming him for the breakup without even knowing the real situation.

“Her ex even texted me saying that I am not a real man and then threatened me,” he said.

“She must have gone there last night, as he should not have my number.”

Thankfully, he has not responded to any of the angry messages from anyone. However, it appears that his ex’s upset has been nagging him– because now, he is wondering whether giving his cheating ex’s dream honeymoon to his ex’s sister was the wrong thing to do.

If his ex cheated, is she entitled to any say over who gets the honeymoon? Does he have a right to do anything he wants with the trip if he paid for it? If you had been in his shoes, would you have given your ex’s sister the vacation also? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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