
He Went Behind His Girlfriend’s Back And Read Her Diary, And She Shockingly Said That He Was Ugly In It

bnenin - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 24-year-old guy has a girlfriend who is 27, and he’s been dating his girlfriend for the last 2 years.

Recently, he went behind his girlfriend’s back and decided to read her diary when she wasn’t around.

As soon as he opened up the diary and started to read through it, he felt really guilty, so he started to close to book and put it back.

He knew what he was doing was wrong, as well as an invasion of privacy, and there really wasn’t a reason for him to read it in the first place.

He says he really trusts his girlfriend with all of his heart, so it’s not like he was snooping through her diary in an effort to catch her in a lie or anything like that.

“As I put it away, I read something that really really hurt my feelings,” he explained. “It was essentially saying she thought I was ugly.”

“She said she’s attracted to me but that I’m just not a cute boy (this is true, though, to be fair, haha). She also had written that she finds all of my friends very hot and that she wishes she could have both. As I read on, it became abundantly clear that she wasn’t going to cheat and that it wasn’t that much of an issue by any means, but just that it is.”

“She has also said, this probably being the most difficult, that it’s why she feels reluctant to introduce me to her friends because I don’t match the attraction criteria that is expected of her. However, she acknowledged that this was stupid and superficial, but her journal is essentially just all her personal (and private…) nasty, unadulterated thoughts. Can’t blame her for that.”

It really crushed him to read his girlfriend’s words, and he has spent the past 2 years believing their relationship was nothing but wonderful.

bnenin – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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