Her Husband Is Mad At Her For Accepting A Job That He Believes Is Humiliating And Not A Real Career

milanmarkovic78 - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
milanmarkovic78 - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 25-year-old woman tied the knot with her 27-year-old husband 2 years ago. Right after they said “I do,” they ended up moving to a new city for her husband’s job.

Her husband is a software engineer, and as soon as they got to their new location, she landed a job in publishing, though it was entry-level.

She really thought this was her dream industry, but it didn’t take her long to learn that she despised everything about the job that she picked.

The pay was terrible, her daily tasks were boring, and the office politics made everything even more difficult.

“I stuck it out for a year and a half to avoid being a job-hopper and to see if I could make it work but then started applying to a variety of other jobs after nothing improved,” she explained.

“I had a few interviews but wasn’t getting too far in the processes until recently when I interviewed for an executive assistant job.”

“The job seemed to be a great fit at every step – I really clicked with the executive I would be supporting and liked everything about the company (which is stable and growing with no sign of layoffs like a lot of companies are going through right now).”

The salary for this position is super attractive, as it pays 50% greater than what she’s making right now.

So, she currently makes $50,000, yet this new job pays $75,000, which is significantly more. On top of better pay, this new job gives more vacation time, and insurance that’s better yet costs less.

milanmarkovic78 – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Oh, and this new position would not be more than 40 hours a week, though if she ever does have to work beyond that, she will be paid for overtime, and right now, she’s working 10 or more hours in the office every day with zero pay for overtime. Before saying yes to the new job, she decided to chat with her husband about her new career move, and he was absolutely not ok with it.

“He says that I’m going to get permanently stuck in the “secretarial pool” and that it’s not really a professional job that’s appropriate for our life plan, and that he’s going to be embarrassed by me and will think less of me,” she said.

The thing is, she would be working directly with the CEO of a big advertising and marketing firm, and she really is invested in finding out more about this industry as a whole.

The CEO also said to her that if she performs well as their assistant, there will be the ability to move up to a different role in coordinating or management.

She really believes this will be an excellent move in her career, even though her husband couldn’t disagree more.

“I told him I was sorry to disappoint him, but I’m really miserable in my current job and need to make a change, and this is the best offer I have,” she continued.

“Plus, I’m going to make more money for fewer hours, so I’m not taking anything away from him or our household. So I accepted it…”

Her husband is so upset with her for saying yes to this job that he is not talking to her. She’s left wondering if it was wrong to say yes when her husband has been so vehemently opposed to her being an executive assistant. What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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