
Her Roommate Keeps Eating Her Food, Ruining Her Pans, And Stealing Utensils While Refusing To Replace Any Of Them, So She Is Considering Removing All Of The Kitchen Items, Boxing Them Up, And Physically Restricting Her Roommate From Mooching Off Her Anymore

What she just cannot understand, though, is if the products are so expensive, then why does her roommate think it is okay to use them all and never replenish or repay her for them?

“Not to mention, he questioned me the other day as to why something I bought for a meal I cooked was not in the fridge anymore because he wanted to use it and was planning to use it for his food,” she revealed.

“Like dude, what the heck? I bought that for myself, not you.”

At this point, she and her boyfriend are also very close to needing to purchase all new pans because of her roommate. She claims that he will cook meat in them but leave them to sit while covered in grease.

Plus, rather than cleaning the pans themselves, her roommate will just cover the mess with a new piece of parchment paper and repeat this process until everything is rusted.

So, on top of the food, she is beyond frustrated about the pans, too. After all, they were brand new when she and her boyfriend moved in, and they actually barely used them.

When she confronted her roommate about the pan issue, though, he reportedly continued to deflect the blame.

In fact, he apparently tried to say that he did not even use the pans while literally removing food from one.

He also claimed that her pans were already damaged when they moved in because “they were cheap anyway.” Yikes!

Finally, her roommate has even caused half of their silverware to go missing because he will take forks and knives with him to eat lunch at work and never brings them back.

“We even confronted him about it after his girlfriend brought some of the silverware back from his apartment, to which he said it was not from him,” she vented.

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