
She’s Considering Breaking Up With Her Boyfriend Because He’s A “Flirt” Who Hesitated When She Asked If He’d Been Flirting With Female Friends During Their Relationship

deagreez - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old woman and her boyfriend, who is 32, have been dating for one year. But, she’s always gotten the feeling that was kind of a “flirt.”

For context, she first met her boyfriend after visiting a shop where he worked, and then they were actually just “friends” for a year. However, the entire time, she had a feeling that he liked her.

“I found out later he had a girlfriend the whole time and viewed us as friends,” she recalled, “So, I am already untrusting.”

And now that they’re officially in a relationship, she knows that her boyfriend still has a lot of female coworkers and friends – most of whom are attractive and much younger than him.

“I have never had male friendships, and I don’t have social media, so maybe I am a bit sensitive,” she noted.

Regardless, just the other day, she became angry and decided to confront her boyfriend – asking if he ever spoke to other girls online.

He became pretty quiet after that before admitting that he did speak to other women. But he claimed they were just friends.

She kept pushing to find out more information, though, and asked if he ever flirts with his “friends” or has gotten any numbers from other women.

“We have also been sort of ‘on and off’ over a few months, so I am giving some benefit of the doubt,” she explained.

deagreez – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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