Her Sister Didn’t Invite Her 16-Year-Old Daughter To Her Wedding And Claimed It Was Child-Free Even Though They Are Really Close, So Her Daughter Didn’t Invite Her Sister To A Birthday Party, And Now Her Sister Is Furious

Valerii Honcharuk - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Valerii Honcharuk - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 32-year-old woman has a sister who is 23 and a daughter who is 16. And given how small the age gap is between her sister and her daughter, the pair practically grew up together and were always extremely close.

This past September, though, her sister finally tied the knot. But, rather than inviting her daughter to be a part of the special day, her sister actually made the wedding child-free– meaning that her daughter did not even get an invite.

So, as you can imagine, her daughter was really hurt. After all, her sister had always spoken about how important it was that her daughter was at the event one day.

“And her wedding being child-free completely came out of the left field,” she said.

More recently, her daughter also just celebrated her 16th birthday. So, they decided to host a small party with herself, her husband, a couple of other close family members, and her daughter’s friends

This time, though, her sister was the one not invited to the event. So, when her sister reached out and asked what time to show up at the birthday party, she was forced to spill the beans.

“I told her that my daughter was still upset about not being invited to one of her most important events,” she recalled.

For whatever reason, though, her sister just could not understand that. Instead, her sister reportedly became upset and actually tried to place the blame on her.

More specifically, she got asked why she was allowing her daughter to punish her sister for “having her wedding how she wanted it.”

Valerii Honcharuk – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This question just sounded ridiculous to her, though, and she asked what her sister had even expected. After all, her daughter and her sister were always super close.

Anyway, she ended up claiming that her sister should have known her daughter would be upset over the lack of an invite.

Then, following that conversation, she tried not to let all of the drama get to her. Thankfully, her daughter also had an absolute blast at the birthday party.

Ever since that evening, though, her sister has continued being passive-aggressive toward both her and her husband. And now, all of the tension has forced her to start questioning the whole situation.

“I know it is my daughter’s party, and it is supposed to be about her, but my sister’s behavior is making me feel doubtful about my decision,” she admitted.

So now, she has been left wondering whether not being empathetic when her sister wasn’t invited to the birthday party made her a real jerk or not.

Why do you think her sister mentioned the wedding to her daughter and then chose not to extend an invitation? Does her daughter have a right to be upset about that? Should her sister be shocked, or is she just getting a taste of her own medicine? If you were in this mom’s shoes, how would you handle the situation? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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