Her Stepmother Gave Her Money To Buy Her Perfect Wedding Dress But Then Asked Her To Wear A Hand-Me-Down Gown From The 1970s Instead Because Her Stepsister Is Insecure

Elena Kratovich - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Elena Kratovich - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 23-year-old woman recently celebrated an exciting milestone– she just got engaged! Her fiancé, Jim, is 25-years-old. And honestly, neither of them really likes very fancy or extravagant weddings.

So, the pair plans to keep their event simple and frugal. They did receive wedding money from both of their families, but rather than spending it on the ceremony, they opted to use it for a very nice honeymoon. This means that for the actual event, they will be using all their own money.

Anyway, she has a stepmother named Kim with whom she actually has a great relationship. And for her engagement, Kim ended up giving her a generous amount of money and urging her to use it for a wedding dress.

“She said she was very poor at the time of her first wedding and did not get to wear a beautiful dress on her big day and that it would mean the world for me to get to wear one,” she recalled.

So, she ended up obliging. She was honestly never planning on spending her own money on a fancy gown.

However, the amount of money Kim gave her was hefty– and it provided her with the opportunity to find her dream dress.

She and Kim even went wedding dress shopping together with her grandmother. And together, they helped her find her perfect dress.

It was a classic fit-and-flair gown that, using the rest of the gifted funds, she was able to get custom embroidered.

The best part was not just how beautiful the dress was, though. She was in love with how perfectly it flattered every part of her body.

Elena Kratovich – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Just a few days after she picked out the gown, though, she got approached by her stepmother again. And this time, Kim had a different proposition.

Apparently, Kim asked her if she would wear her stepgrandmother’s old wedding dress from the 1970s instead.

Her stepmother even offered her twice the amount of money, with which she could do anything she wanted if she agreed to wear the other dress.

Honestly, though, she was confused and turned her stepmother down. Yes, Kim’s offer would have been a lot of money, but she knows that her wedding is a day that she will remember for the rest of her life.

So she wanted to wear a gown that really suited her and made her feel beautiful– not her stepgrandmother’s.

“The dress in question was puffy with no shape. It would be like getting married in a down jacket,” she added.

After she said no, though, her stepmother started to come clean. In fact, she learned that Kim had sent a photo of her in her chosen wedding dress to her 25-year-old stepsister Bea.

And once Bea saw it, her stepsister reportedly freaked out and refused to attend the wedding if she wore the gown.

Now, for context, she claims that she and Bea’s relationship has always been strained. Ever since they were younger, she was the one who got better grades and ended up dating better-looking guys.

She also went to a more prestigious college than Bea, obtained a higher-paying job, and is now getting married to the guy that Bea also liked in high school.

At the same time, she pointed out how Bea is still single, overweight, and very insecure about how she looks.

“And Bea has always taken out her insecurities on me,” she revealed.

So, Kim ended up telling her that Bea having to watch her marry Jim was already going to be hard enough.

So, her stepmother claimed that she did not need to wear “a dress like that” to make it worse for Bea.

Quite frankly, though, she still just refused to wear the old wedding dress. She also told Kim that she was not going to compromise feeling good at her own wedding just to coddle Bea’s insecurities.

Her stepmother seemingly did not understand her perspective at all, though, and ended up asking her for all of the wedding dress money back.

Yet again, though, she said no– pointing out how she was gifted the money, and the dress was already paid for.

Anyway, she decided to leave the situation at that and tried to move on. But then, she received a call from her father, who accused her of being rude to both Kim and Bea.

Plus, he even suggested that she should be willing to make a compromise about a “small thing” in her “otherwise perfect wedding” for the sake of Bea.

Her father also claimed that, at the very least, she should pay Kim all of the money back for the original dress.

According to her, though, she did give Kim all of the leftover money following the wedding dress purchase– which amounted to a couple of hundred dollars.

But, she refuses to give back any additional money or have to wear a different dress.

Still, with her whole family upset with her over this, she has been left wondering whether refusing to wear her stepgrandmother’s hand-me-down wedding dress is the wrong thing to do or not.

If Kim always regretted not getting to wear a beautiful wedding dress, why do you think her stepmother is trying to do the same thing to her? Does she have a right to wear whatever she wants on her wedding day? Is it her job to make Bea feel better? If you were in her shoes, what would you do? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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