
Here Are 10 Tips To Help You Make An Absolutely Perfect Profile On Any Dating Site

While it is tempting to stretch the truth to present yourself in the best light possible, honesty is the best policy in the long run.

The last thing you want to do is manage to land a hot date but finding out what they liked most about you was a lie.

Likewise, being open about your dorky side can be a good thing too. Tell them if you have little quirks, they should know right out of the gate. For example, tell them if you like quoting your favorite sitcom jokes in everyday situations.

This shows them you are not just another online profile – you have an actual personality.

Tip #7: Ask your friends to help out.

Sometimes, your friends know you better than you know yourself. Ask them to help you if you don’t know what to write on your dating profile, especially if that friend is of the opposite gender.

They can help you write in a way that would attract other matches. Who better to know how to write to attract quality guys than your guy friends?

Tip #8: Scope out the competition.

If you are having trouble figuring out what to write about, check out other profiles similar to yours.

How are they writing up their profile? How many pictures did they use? Did they write in a clever way or more professionally?

This will help inspire you to write up your dating profile.

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