His Wife Is A Stay-At-Home Mom, And After He Gave Her A Written Performance Review, She Lost It

This 33-year-old guy has a 36-year-old wife, and they have one 6-year-old daughter together, but that’s hardly the only child living in their house.
His wife has a 13-year-old daughter from another relationship that lives with them all the time, and they also have custody of their 15-year-old niece.
His wife’s daughter and their niece are besties, and they even asked to share an enormous bedroom together, which is where they now live.
Although it seems from the outside that they’re one big, happy family, that’s not exactly how things play out at home.
“The dynamic here is pretty much mom and youngest against the teens, with me being the referee between everyone,” he explained.
“My wife has taught the youngest she can blame others for her actions to avoid consequences. She just says the word, and one of the teens will get punished without question. There’s no doubt she is my wife’s favorite.”
“I love her, but she’s becoming nothing more than an entitled brat. As just a mere example, my wife and I had an appointment we both needed to attend. When we came back, it was apparent the pool had been used. They’re not allowed to swim while we aren’t home.”
Their daughter lied and said she didn’t go swimming in the pool, but the teens confirmed that their daughter was lying and had gone swimming.
His wife only punished the older girls, though, and their daughter got off without any punishment at all.

eevl – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Later on, he discovered that their daughter had stashed her soaked swimsuit in their garage in an effort to cover up the evidence.
He obviously told his wife about this, and he insisted that she had to punish their daughter not only for swimming earlier when she shouldn’t have but also for completely lying to them both.
It ended up being a blowout fight between him and his wife, and in the end, she gave their daughter barely any kind of punishment.
“The lying, blaming, and favoritism ultimately caused the teens to act out, understandably,” he said.
“Most of their consequences are done by giving more chores. Specifically the chores the 6-year-old has. Or recently, they were removed from music lessons as a consequence. I believe they’re so frustrated they don’t even care when they verbally attack their mother after her unfair treatment towards them.”
“After all, they already get blamed and punished for things they don’t even do; from my perspective, lashing out gives them a release.”
He and his wife fight nonstop about all of this, yet get nowhere. He’s so fed up that he thought it might be time to give his wife, who is a stay-at-home mom, a performance review that he wrote out to show her.
He even included things she needed to improve upon, and that was the majority of what he wrote up to discuss with her.
As he sat down to write the performance review for his wife, he pointed out that she needs to be a better listener to the teens and quit favoring their daughter over everyone else.
He reminded her that she needs to treat all the kids fairly, and he also noted that she should give all the kids time to speak alone about something.
“So it wouldn’t be an entirely slap to her face; I gave her accolades on her strong points for other areas aside from parenting,” he continued.
“I guess I felt this would work best because I could organize my thoughts on paper without her interjecting. However, it quickly backfired in my face.”
“She was quiet the first hour after I handed it to her. Then she completely exploded on me, said if we’re going to do this…she’ll get a private bank account and take half my paycheck every week. She further said the review was abusive and a manipulative…move.”
He’s left wondering if it was mean of him to hand his wife a written performance review. What do you think?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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