
In 2018, She Disappeared Without A Trace, After Calling Her Daughter In Tears To Say She Couldn’t Babysit For Her

So, if Terri planned on going anywhere, she would have gone to Ambyr’s house– and Ambyr was puzzled why Delbert did not think of that.

Second, Ambyr had a gut feeling that her mother would never have left voluntarily. Terri was a dedicated mother and grandmother who always put her family first and who led a quiet life.

Terri watched her grandchildren at least three days a week and loved life’s simple pleasures– such as reading and watching the Lifetime channel on TV.

But, upon further probing, it became clear that Terri was not as happy in her marriage as it had seemed to Ambyr.

Apparently, Terri’s sister, Kim, immediately flew out to Colorado after hearing about the disappearance. Kim also claimed to have noticed a change in Terri after she married Delbert and that he appeared to really control her sister.

It was also revealed that, over the month leading up to Terri’s disappearance, she had been secretly planning to divorce Delbert. According to family members, Terri opened up a new bank account and began researching various kinds of state assistance programs that she could lean on following the divorce.

And finally, one of Terri’s closest friends, Geraldine, recalled a conversation with Terri just before she went missing. Terri had apparently been hysterical about the state of her marriage, and Geraldine tried to comfort her.

Geraldine even offered to let Terri move in with her, which seemed to settle Terri down a bit. Tragically, though, Geraldine also never saw Terri again.

So, once Delbert told Ambyr that her mother had disappeared, she visited Delbert unannounced. And when she arrived, she found him and his son, Christopher, engaged in a deep conversation.

But apparently, as soon as she walked in, they stopped speaking immediately. Then, Christopher exited to the back of the house while Delbert said hello to Ambyr.

This immediately spooked Ambyr, and then she noticed some other odd details at her mother’s home. First, Delbert drove a white pickup truck that would have typically been parked in the driveway. But, the day Terri went missing, the truck was gone.

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