
She Came Across A Guy On A Dating App Who Seemed Average, But Then She Kept Scrolling And Listened To His Voice Memo Of His Best Celebrity Impression, Which Definitely Made Him Stand Out In The Best Way

leungchopan - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Dating apps are one of the most popular places for some whack, unhinged behavior. The safety net that is your cellphone or computer screen blocks out any uncomfortable face-to-face interaction, leaving plenty of room for an interesting text, call, or video chat from potential matches.

TikTok has become one of the largest platforms for sharing stories about dating app interactions, and people love to make videos about the most interesting things they’ve seen on people’s profiles.

For example, one particular Hinge profile feature led to a young woman making a video that went viral.

Thyra (@thyrakf) was on Hinge one day when she came across a guy named Grant. From the screen-grab of his profile that Thyra shared, Grant looked like a pretty average guy.

He has a nice picture of him at what appears to be a club, having a good time. But what he included underneath the picture separated him from the rest.

Hinge has a new feature where instead of typing the answer to certain profile prompts, users can record a voice memo.

Grant chose to answer the “My best celebrity impression” voice prompt with an impression that no one could’ve seen coming.

On his profile, Grant does a full-blown impression of one of the three little pigs from the animated film Shrek.

The pigs in the movie are known for their German accents, which Grant enthusiastically includes in his memo.

leungchopan – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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