She Didn’t Do Her Boyfriend’s Laundry Before A Major Interview That He Had, And He’s Since Accused Her Of Trying To Sabotage Him

Iona - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Iona - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 25-year-old girl is in a relationship with her 26-year-old boyfriend, and last Friday, her boyfriend had a major interview scheduled.

She says that this interview was such a big deal that if her boyfriend lands this particular job, it could entirely launch his dream career.

Her boyfriend has spent 3 weeks getting ready for this interview, by the way. Now, normally she does laundry for herself and for her boyfriend too since they live together.

2 days before her boyfriend’s interview, he mentioned to her that he was planning on wearing a blazer of his that was dirty and in their laundry basket.

She pretty much spends her weekends doing their laundry since she’s in college and works a part-time job on top of that, so it is really difficult for her to go out to the laundromat on weekdays.

“I told him I would do it Thursday night, though, and he said ok,” she explained. “Mind you, he hasn’t been working since he just graduated school in the fall semester, so since the end of December, his parents help him pay the rent until he gets a job.”

“Anyway, Thursday rolls around, and I get home from class, and he’s just playing a video game, and he immediately asks me when I’m going to do laundry since he’s very nervous and wants it to go perfectly.”

“I’m so tired from school because I had an exam he didn’t even ask me about, so I feel irritated and say I’m going to do it later, but I’m going to nap first, he again says ok, and he’s going to meet up with a friend for a drink to help calm his nerves.”

Before she agreed to wash his clothes, she did ask if he could go to the laundromat instead, but he pointed out that he already had planned to meet up with his friend that night.

Iona – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

She ended up taking a nap, but she slept so late that when she woke up, she only had about an hour to get down to the laundromat before it closed for the evening.

If she had hustled, she could have made it down there on time, but she decided not to go. She was still super exhausted, and she also was angry at her boyfriend.

Her boyfriend was furious with her when he found out that she didn’t do his laundry and get his interview blazer cleaned, but he did pick out another outfit to wear to his interview.

He then told her that she ruined his interview for him by not doing his laundry as promised.

“I thought this might blow over since he said it still went well despite me “attempting to sabatoge him,” but he is not speaking to him still and has even said he may go stay with his parents over this,” she said.

She’s left wondering if it was mean of her to skip out on doing her boyfriend’s laundry as she had originally promised.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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