She Refused To Drive Her Roommate’s Boyfriend To Pick Up His Laptop From Work Because She Had A Paper Due, So He Missed An Assignment Deadline, And Now She Is Being Blamed

This young woman is a 20-year-old college student who currently lives with four roommates in an off-campus house.
Well, one of her “roommates” is not technically a roommate on her lease. Instead, the guy– named Kevin– is just her roommate’s boyfriend who stays with them.
“And I am not happy about this, but it is what it is,” she said.
Just last week, though, she and Kevin got into a big argument that sparked some major drama in her house.
It all began one night when she had a paper due by 11:59 p.m. Apparently, she was not able to get started on the essay until very late, so she was fighting against the clock to finish her work.
Then, at just past 7:00 p.m. that evening, Kevin reportedly went into her room and asked if she would drive him to his job– which was between 20 and 25 minutes away. Apparently, he had forgotten his laptop at work and needed to take a quiz before midnight.
Given that she was already in the middle of her own assignment, though, she was forced to tell Kevin no.
Her roommate’s boyfriend then decided to ask if he could just use her car. And to that, she also said no.
He did not understand why, though, and asked her what the problem was. So, she explained how the car belonged to her parents, and they did not want anyone else driving it except for her.

Dragosh – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Now, she claims that her explanation made Kevin really angry, and he even accused her of being unreasonable since the drive would take 45 minutes round-trip. So, if she drove him, he promised she would be back by 8:00 p.m. Or, if he took her car, he claimed he would just go straight to work and back.
She stuck to her guns, though, and ended up just apologizing and saying she could not help Kevin out. So, he reportedly sulked out of her room and slammed the door behind him.
And at that point, she claims that she actually started to feel a bit bad. In fact, she was even going to offer to take a break once she made a big enough dent in her paper to give Kevin a ride.
Before she had the opportunity to do that, though, she overheard Kevin on the phone with his girlfriend– her roommate– in the other room. Apparently, he was complaining about her and even calling her all sorts of nasty names.
So, she decided to just throw her headphones on, tune him out, and focus on her paper. Unfortunately, though, that was not the end of the drama for the evening.
About an hour later, Kevin ultimately went back into her room again. And that time, he asked if she would be willing to send him money for an Uber to work.
She did not want to let her roommate’s boyfriend get away with bad-mouthing her, though. So she basically repeated all the nasty names he called her and asked why he would ever want to take money from a person like that.
At that point, Kevin was forced to backtrack and attempted to apologize to her. He also claimed that he was just stressed and did not mean any of the things he said on the phone.
Regardless, she still told Kevin no, and he reportedly freaked out on her.
So, she decided to just get out of there and finish up her work elsewhere. She packed up her laptop and some clothes, went to her boyfriend’s house, and decided to stay the night to finish her paper there. Thankfully, she even managed to complete her work and submit the essay by 11:45 p.m., too.
Once she returned back to her own house the next day, though, her roommate– who is Kevin’s girlfriend– would not let the whole issue go.
Instead, she actually got screamed at and accused of making Kevin miss an assignment after he “gave her three options to help him.”
Anyway, this turned into a big fight, and everything in her house has been super tense ever since. Her other roommates are also totally divided on the issue.
One of them believes that she did nothing wrong and had no obligation to help Kevin; meanwhile, another believes that she should have just given him a hand in order to keep the peace in their house.
So, now she kind of feels bad about all of the drama and the fact that Kevin’s grade was impacted by the missed quiz.
“And it would have been less effort to take him than it is to deal with all the fighting and awkwardness,” she admitted.
Still, she has been left wondering whether refusing to help out Kevin and causing him to miss a deadline really makes her a jerk or not.
Is it her fault that Kevin forgot his laptop? Why do you think she was expected to help Kevin out if he was not her boyfriend or her real roommate, and she was already busy? Do you believe she had a right to refuse? If you were in her shoes, how would you reconcile this situation?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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