She Sold A Family Lake House To Her Son And His Fiancée Without Bothering To Tell Her Daughter, So After Her Daughter Found Out Last Week, She Was Devastated

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neirfy - - illustrative purposes only

Before this 48-year-old woman got married, she and her fiancé both had good jobs and a stable income. So, after tying the knot, they were able to save up enough money to purchase their first home.

Plus, since her husband loved to fish, they also wanted to get a place outside of the city. This led the couple to save money again, and eventually, they also purchased a lake house.

Now, over the course of their marriage, she and her husband had two children together– a son named Theo, who is currently 29, and a daughter named Lindsey, who is 26.

So when her children were young, they used to take family vacations to the lake house very often. After all, the property was not very far from their primary residence.

About five years ago, though, her husband sadly became very sick. Then, one year after he finally received a diagnosis, he passed away.

The lake house was originally under her husband’s name, though. So, in an effort to be cautious, she claims that her husband passed all of the properties along to her, as well as all of the saved money he had in a separate account.

“He never told me what to do with the money or anything; he just passed all of it to me with the help of a lawyer,” she recalled.

Her husband also wrote a will to detail what should happen with some of his beloved items– like his grandfather’s car. According to her, these items were not very expensive but held more emotional value.

Her husband left some of these items to her; meanwhile, some also went to her children and the rest of their family and friends.

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Anyway, following her husband’s passing, she and her children continued their family tradition of vacationing at the lake house.

But, in an effort to honor her husband, they made a new tradition in which they would go on her husband’s birthday every year.

About eight or nine months ago, though, her son Theo reportedly approached her with questions about the lake home property. More specifically, he asked what plans she had for the house.

Then, during that conversation, Theo ultimately revealed that he wanted to purchase a home before his marriage and claimed that he would love to buy the family lake house.

At the time, she reportedly told her son that she needed to think about that. Soon afterward, though, she ultimately agreed to sell Theo the home.

“My son reminds me of my husband a lot. He loves nature as much as his dad did, and he loves that house, too. So, I knew it would be in great hands,” she explained.

The sale was also conducted legally– with Theo purchasing the house within the market price range. So now, Theo and his fiancée are planning to move into the home soon.

For whatever reason, though, it never occurred to her to inform her daughter Lindsey about the sale. And after the news came out last week, a ton of drama ensued.

It all began after Lindsey went to visit her home and asked if the family would be traveling to the lake house this year to celebrate her husband’s birthday again.

And in response to that question, she told her daughter that they would have to ask her son Theo but figured it would not be a problem.

Obviously, though, that confused her daughter, and Lindsey ultimately asked why they would have to ask Theo.

“And I told Lindsey that since it’s his house now, he gets to decide that kind of stuff,” she said.

Then, after the truth was finally out about Theo buying the lake house, Lindsey reportedly “went crazy.”

She got accused of “robbing” her daughter since she never bothered to ask Lindsey, and Lindsey felt like the home was hers, too.

She seemingly did not understand her daughter’s perspective, though, and ended up “reminding” Lindsey that the house was legally hers. She also pointed out how the lake home was sold to Theo, “not just some stranger.”

Still, Lindsey did not see eye to eye with her on that, and the pair ended up getting into a massive argument.

At one point, Lindsey even claimed that she broke her husband’s promise to her daughter– because apparently, her husband told both Theo and Lindsey that the home would never be sold and would always be theirs to go on family vacations.

However, she claims that her husband never told her that and did not give her any instructions regarding what to do with the house. So, she actually just told Lindsey to “get over it,” and her daughter ultimately stormed out.

Then, Lindsey also blocked her number, so she has been unable to get in touch with her daughter ever since.

Now, she still believes that Lindsey is overreacting– mostly because the home is in Theo’s name, so she feels like they did not lose the property to a stranger.

“My son and his fiancée will sign a prenup too, so in case of a divorce, he won’t lose the house,” she added.

Regardless, though, she is also starting to realize why Lindsey feels so heartbroken over the sale of the property.

So now, she has been left wondering whether selling the family lake house to her son without telling her daughter makes her a total jerk or not.

If the lake home was a big part of their family, does it matter if the house was legally in her name? Would you ever sell a beloved family property to one child without telling the rest of your kids? Do you think Lindsey has a right to be distraught over this? If you were in her shoes, how would you reconcile this situation? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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