This College Girl Called Out One Of The Girls In The Dining Hall For Wasting Food, But Now Her Friend Thinks She Should Apologize

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Every time this 21-year-old girl eats in the dining hall of her college, she ends up sitting with her same group of friends.

One girl who also sits with them is someone she wouldn’t call a friend, but this is a girl she has spoken to on a couple of occasions.

This girl is on the silent side, but she appears to be pretty ordinary to her when she does end up chatting with the rest of them.

She has ended up sitting on the opposite side of the table from this girl a number of times, which means she began picking up on her bizarre eating habits.

She routinely witnesses this girl eat about half of the food on her plate, or less, which she finds strange because the food their college serves is buffet style, so you can pick if you want a larger or smaller portion.

Another thing she has picked realized is that this girl will stop eating at some point and push the rest of the food around her plate with a fork, playing with it.

“I didn’t say anything for a while, but a few weeks ago, I had to ask her why she always only ate half her food,” she explained.

“She seemed embarrassed but answered she thought she was more hungry and laughed it off. I then asked her why she made this mistake every time we ate and that she must have learned by now. She didn’t really answer (I don’t actually remember, but it wasn’t actually an explanation) and left pretty quickly.”

“She doesn’t really show up that much anymore, but when she does, she still eats like this, and I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I asked her once again and also asked her if her parents never told her not to play with her food.”

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

She just figured she was being honest, as she is aware that some families aren’t big on learning manners, but her question really infuriated this girl.

This girl snapped at her to quit making comments about how she eats, as it wasn’t anything that should concern her.

She replied back that it is her business because she’s being wasteful by not eating the food on her plate.

This girl got up, said something really nasty, tossed her food in the garbage, and left. Then, a friend of hers mentioned that she probably should stop making comments to this girl because it looks like she has a problem with food.

“Yeah, obviously, she has an issue with food…she keeps wasting it,” she said. “She hasn’t shown up again; I’m assuming she buys her own food now, which might teach her not to waste it, so that’s good.”

“The same friend who told me to leave her alone keeps pestering me to apologize to her, but I think she should apologize to me.”

“She’s unnecessarily rude when being asked the most basic and obvious questions…keep in mind that I care a lot about food waste and the environment.”

She’s left wondering if it was mean of her though to call this girl out on her eating habits. What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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