His Ex-Wife Accused Him Of Being A Terrible Dad Because He Drops Their Daughter Off At Daycare Early So A Teacher Can Help Do Her Hair

morrowlight - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child
morrowlight - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

This dad has a daughter who is 3-years-old, and he just got divorced from his now ex-wife. The custody agreement he has with his ex is that he gets their daughter every other week.

His daughter’s hair is super curly, and when he was still with his ex, she made sure to do their daughter’s hair every day.

He never knew how to take care of his daughter’s hair since his ex handled it all, but he had to at least try to learn after his divorce.

Although he has done his very best to play stylist, lately, his daughter’s hair constantly looks like a complete and utter mess.

“A teacher at my daughter’s daycare has very similar hair to my daughter’s, so I asked if she could help me with my daughter’s hair,” he explained.

“She said she could do my daughter’s hair in the mornings if I dropped her off earlier (dropoff starts at 8, I usually drop her off at 8:45, but her teacher says if I drop her off by 8:20, she’ll be able to take care of her hair).”

“She gave me a list of curly hair products to buy and what to bring to school. She also gave me some tips for washing and caring for it at home.”

Well, his daughter then mentioned to his ex that her teacher takes care of her hair every morning, and she has to go to daycare on the earlier side to make this happen.

His ex then phoned him up, questioning if he really drops their daughter off early to get out of having to do their daughter’s hair.

morrowlight – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

His ex then accused him of being a terrible dad for expecting their daughter’s teacher to do something he should have done.

His ex also was upset that he ruined their daughter’s routine in the morning by having to get her to school on the early side.

The only thing that is different is now his daughter eats her breakfast while they’re in the car on the way to daycare instead of eating at home.

“I thought I was doing right by making sure her hair is cared for on my weeks, but my ex feels very strongly about this…” he said.

Do you think he did the wrong thing by asking his daughter’s teacher for help with her hair since it’s something he struggles with?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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