
10 House Plants You’re Pretty Much Guaranteed To Kill

It can’t tolerate high temperatures or hot, dry air, so if you live in a cold, snowy climate, the heated conditions of your home will most likely be the maidenhair fern’s demise.

African Violet

African violets like to stay away from windows and thrive in evenly moist soil. Overwatering is the main culprit of this violet’s death.

So if you’re prone to overwatering, spare the African violet’s life and opt for a different houseplant.

Christmas Cactus

Lack of sunlight and water will cause your Christmas cactus to wilt. By giving the cactus more indirect sunlight, you may be able to get it to grow flowers.

The watering part is tricky, though.

Cacti don’t need much water, but not enough will cause them to lose their life. And if you don’t address the problem quickly enough, there’s almost no chance for its revival.

Peace Lily

The soil of a peace lily should be moist but never wet. If your lily’s leaves are drooping, you’re either under or overwatering it.

Get your watering schedule together, and it will survive.

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