
His Wife Never Saves Him Any Dinner Even Though He Gets Home Very Late From Work Every Night, So He Brought It Up And Got Called Lazy

At that point, he just tried to explain how he was really hungry after a long day and found it hurtful that she didn’t even think to cook for him while already cooking for herself.

Plus, he said that his wife was being really inconsiderate– and that’s what pushed her over the edge.

“That set her off– saying if I want a slave, then she’s not it,” he recalled.

He claimed that was far from what he wanted, though, and instead just wanted a wife who really seemed to care about him. And his wife was apparently just taken aback by that statement because she looked at him with a very shocked face before storming out.

Afterward, it became clear that she had gone to her mother’s house after their fight since he wound up receiving texts from his mother-in-law. His mother-in-law claimed that his wife showed up bawling her eyes out and told him that he should have been more considerate of her feelings.

“I haven’t even responded because I just feel hurt and not cared for. I just wanted dinner,” he vented.

In the wake of the argument, though, he has still been left wondering whether he was somehow the jerk in this situation.

If you knew your partner got home super late, and you planned to make or pick up dinner anyway, would you save them some food? Does he have a right to feel hurt? At the same time, do you think waking his wife up to talk so late at night was the right way to broach the topic? How could he have addressed this differently?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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