
He Got Accused Of Never Loving His Ex-Fiancée Because He Started Dating Again Just A Few Weeks After Finding Out About Her Affair And Ending Their Relationship

zvkate - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 26-year-old man and his now ex-fiancée, 26, dated for 9 years before he ended their engagement, and they met years before their relationship began.

Unfortunately, his ex cheated on him while they were engaged. When he found out she’d been unfaithful, he packed his belongings while she was gone.

“I messaged her, saying that I know about her affair, that I wanted nothing to do with her but wished her well, and then proceeded to block her everywhere,” he said.

Once he left the place he and his ex shared, he checked in at a motel and lived there while apartment hunting. His ex paid the rent on the previous apartment they lived in together, and he’d never lived by himself.

Since he realized he craved physical affection and didn’t want to think about his previous love life with his ex-fiancée, he made profiles on several dating apps.

Eventually, he came across a kind woman’s profile who he thought was attractive, and he was immediately interested in her. The feeling was mutual, and they realized they had chemistry.

“I genuinely loved her and told a few of my close friends. However, one of my friends wasn’t happy for me. She claimed that I never loved my ex and was a jerk for not hearing my ex’s perspective,” he explained.

According to his friend, he should have been grieving the end of his engagement instead of dating new women. His friend must have informed his ex-fiancée of what he was up to because his ex called his parents, who then called him several hours after the conversation with his friend.

“My parents scolded me for moving on so quickly. I didn’t tell them about my new relationship as they are jerks. They are aware of my ex’s affair and were against my choice to leave her,” he shared.

zvkate – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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