
How To Actually Start Investing In Yourself And Taking Control Of Your Own Life 

Now that you are aware of the financial and time factors, you can start making budgetary changes– whether that be cutting down discretionary expenses or putting away $166 in a specific travel fund every month to afford the vacation in 12 months’ time.

Invest In Education And Skills

Education doesn’t have to be boring, tedious, or uninteresting. Plus, learning new things as an adult can feel even more fulfilling and rewarding since the pressure of degree completion or grades is no longer hanging over your head.

So, reflect on what you are really interested in– whether that be personal or work-related. Then, sign up to take courses, attend workshops, or pursue certifications in those realms.

Whether it’s photography, cooking, or coding, learning something new can be exciting and fun. On top of that, it can even make you more marketable in your career.

Prioritize Self-Care

As women, we are natural caretakers, which can make prioritizing self-care feel a bit selfish if you have other people depending on you.

But let’s dispel that myth right now– because self-care is fundamentally critical for our own well-being. After all, you cannot pour into anyone else’s “glass” if you are working with an empty cup.

So, make sure you’re physically taking care of yourself by getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and eating well. Don’t forget to take breaks– from work or any other responsibilities– when you need them, too.

These physical acts of self-care will also end up boosting your mental health. And thereafter, you can start showing yourself even more love by participating in activities you really enjoy.

Whether it’s reading a book, taking a walk, spending time with loved ones, or watching your favorite TV show, self-care can help you recharge, refocus, and reconnect with yourself.

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