
On A Date With A Guy, She Accidentally Broke His Family’s Heirloom Mirror

So to remove them, she balanced herself by leaning against the wall. But she accidentally leaned on the mirror instead. Suddenly, the mirror shattered and broke into hundreds of glass shards all over the floor!

Evie froze, covered in glass and not knowing what to do. Finally, her date emerged from the bathroom. When he saw the mess, a shocked expression came over his face.

Immediately, Evie panicked and went into defense mode, claiming she had barely touched the mirror and that it looked old anyway. She offered to help clean up the glass, but he ordered her to go sit down while he took care of it.

Then, he revealed that the mirror was indeed old. It was passed down through several generations of women in his family, so it had a lot of sentimental value.

Evie continued apologizing for her mistake, but unfortunately, the damage had already been done. In the end, Evie called for an Uber to pick her up since there was no way the night could be salvaged.


BAD DATE STORY: part 1 #storytime #baddate #baddatestory #embarassingmoments #datingisscary #tindernightmares #datinginyour20s #fyp #fy #foryou

? original sound – Evie

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