
She Had A Terrifying Encounter On A Train, But Then A Man Stepped In To Keep Her Safe

AboutLife - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

One of the worst places to feel unsafe is on public transportation. Riding a bus, train, or even plane and feeling that someone in the vicinity has bad intentions is awful and makes you feel trapped. 

One young woman had an experience on a train ride that sounds terrifying. Thankfully, a kind stranger was able to help her out and keep her safe. 

In the past, she’s taken 2-hour train rides on the weekends to visit with her boyfriend. One of those weekends, she had a train ride like no other. 

One hour into her trip, she noticed two men enter the train car she was sitting in. She was seated behind a four-seater section, with two seats on one side facing her and two other chairs directly in front of her. 

The men walked into the car, speaking very loudly in a language she couldn’t recognize. They had a suspicious vibe and, unfortunately, started eyeing her the moment they got onto the train. So, of course, they chose to sit in the four-seater section in front of her.

She’s used to getting stared at in public, as it typically happens to young women, but these men simply would not let up. Every movement they made was an excuse to look her up and down.

They’d oddly take turns walking up and down the aisles to different train compartments and would take the opportunity to stare at her every time they left and returned to their seats.

“Each time they were sitting across from each other, they discussed things, but I could not translate it,” she recalled. “They kept looking at me and then started discussing again.”

This kept happening for most of the train ride until there were about 20 minutes left of the trip. There was one stop where the majority of passengers got off the train, and the only people left in her car were her, the two men, and one other passenger. 

AboutLife – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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