
These Irish Cream Chocolate Truffles Require No Baking And Minimal Ingredients To Make

New Africa - - illustrative purposes only

Need a last-minute dessert for St. Patrick’s Day? These Irish cream chocolate truffles require no baking and minimal ingredients.

With an intensely rich chocolatey flavor, these luscious bites of bliss are creamy, smooth, and bittersweet, thanks to the use of Baileys Irish Cream. Unfamiliar with Baileys?

Baileys Irish Cream is an Irish cream alcoholic liqueur flavored with cocoa, cream, and Irish whiskey. It’s sweet and milky and is likened to dessert in a bottle. It was invented in Ireland in 1973 and went on to become the most popular liqueur on the market.

Baileys is good on its own, but when combined with desserts, that takes it to a whole new level. And chocolate truffles are no exception.

If you’ve never made homemade chocolate truffles before, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to learn that they are ridiculously easy to prepare. And I’m not just saying that. We’re talking about one bowl and a microwave here. Half of the work is just waiting for them to set in the refrigerator!

So don’t be intimidated by the fancy truffles you’ve caught glimpses of at a gourmet chocolate shop. You can make yours look just as elegant and expensive–all for a fraction of the price.

TikToker Chelsea (@chelslikescutefood) has a quick and simple recipe for some Irish cream chocolate truffles you can serve up at your St. Paddy’s party next week.


-12 ounces of chocolate chips

New Africa – – illustrative purposes only

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