
Her Parents Are Divorcing, And She Admits That She Destroyed Her Dad’s Chance At Winning Her Mom Back

She mentioned to her dad that she would do everything in her power to ruin his plans, and her dad then brought up the fact that he thinks she’s only siding with her mom because her mom buys her things.

She was furious with her dad for saying that, as she adores her mom, and their relationship has nothing to do with what her mom does for her.

Although her dad was a great dad to her, she doesn’t exactly like him at all. She feels obligated to spend time with him, and their interactions feel “forced” to her, which is not news to her dad.

She ended up losing it on her dad and saying he had no reason to doubt her and the basis for her wonderful relationship with her mom. She then accused her dad of not being any fun, as well as nasty.

“My dad keeps trying to shush me, but I don’t let up,” she said. “I go to my mom and tell her what he just said, and he keeps looking at me, saying, “Why are you doing this to me?” “I can’t believe you’re doing this to me,” “We were just having a calm conversation.”

“I say I am leaving, and my mom gets in the car with me. Later my dad says that after my blow-up, my mom no longer wanted to go to couple’s therapy.”

She’s left wondering if she was in the wrong for flipping out and impacting her dad’s ability to get back together with her mom.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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