
She And Her Husband Recently Had One Of Their Evening Walks Spoiled After A Couple Tried To Scam Them

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Is anyone else a fan of a nice evening walk? 

One woman and her husband recently had one of their evening walks spoiled after a couple potentially tried to scam them. 

She and her husband love to take an evening walk together after dinner. She described their neighborhood as ‘fairly safe,’ so they’ve always felt comfortable walking around it after dark.

That is, until one night when they encountered a strange couple.

They were on their walk, and around 8:30 pm, they heard a couple arguing in the distance. As they looked up the road, they noticed they were walking towards them. Things sounded pretty heated, and they were being obnoxiously loud. She had a feeling that something was off about them pretty quickly. 

“As soon as they reached us, they went from completely quiet to screaming at each other. It was like they hit their marks on the stage, and someone yelled ‘Action!’ and they began their rehearsed fight,” she remembered. 

Once the arguing couple reached her and her husband on the street, they switched the direction they were walking in and began walking right alongside them while they argued. They boxed her and her husband in while screaming at each other. 

Her husband tightened his grip around her hand as the couple moved at the same pace. 

She noticed more odd things about the yelling couple, like the man’s wardrobe. He was wearing all dark colors like black and navy blue. He had his hood covering his face as much as possible and wore a mask covering his neck and face. 

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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