
She Just Found Out That Her Boyfriend Has A Long-Term Girlfriend Of Over Four Years And Isn’t Sure If She Should Expose Him As A Cheater

“I’m disgusted and heartbroken. I can’t reconcile the person I knew with this person I’ve discovered,” she said.

After she confronted her boyfriend, though, he actually just wound up ghosting her. So, it was not until she messaged him a few days later– claiming to have a moral obligation to reveal the truth to his long-term girlfriend– that he reached back out.

At that point, he called her and utterly begged her to keep the infidelity a secret. According to her, he was literally on the brink of tears.

Then, her “boyfriend” started to try to explain himself. He claimed that the other girl was not actually his girlfriend– instead, he swore they were exes.

But he admitted that they still loved each other and would go on dates and hook up sometimes. Her boyfriend also claimed that his “ex” was extremely depressed and had six years left to live. Finally, he revealed how he had cheated on his ex in the past and completely broken her heart.

So, her boyfriend begged her not to put his ex through the same turmoil again because he didn’t know if she would “make it.”

“He was begging me not to be ‘vindictive’ and tell her, but I feel like a horrible person keeping this secret from her,” she revealed.

Honestly, though, she believes that the most insane part of this whole situation is the fact that she told her boyfriend she would be totally fine with an open relationship from the beginning. However, he was the one who implied that they were in an exclusive relationship.

But she still just had a weird gut feeling, which is why she wound up checking her boyfriend’s laptop in the first place.

So, she claimed that if he had just been honest about dating around, then she would not have cared or gone snooping.

Now, though, everything has changed for her. She is still trying to process the entire situation and determine the best way to move forward. And quite frankly, she is just so upset because she really did like that guy.

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