
She Told Her In-laws She’s Ready To Make Them Homeless If They Can’t Respect Her Working From Home And Continue To Refuse To Help Out

Lais - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 38-year-old woman is the money maker in her house, as her 42-year-old husband is mostly retired from a work injury.

Her husband really is wonderful, and he has stepped up to the plate to make sure all of their household chores are done during the day while she’s at work.

When she is not busy working, she and her husband equally pitch in to get things done around their house.

Not too long ago, her sister-in-law, her sister-in-law’s husband, and their children wound up losing their home.

She and her husband have a rental apartment in the basement of their own home, and they told her in-laws they were welcome to move in. She did ask her in-laws to sign a lease in order to move in, which they did.

“A few days ago my husband had an opportunity to do some consulting at his old work,” she explained.

“He loves doing it because it gets him out of the house and he gets to see his old coworkers and friends. It was short notice so we hadn’t arranged babysitting. We asked his sister to watch our youngest for the day so he could go work and she agreed.”

“She then delegated the task to her 13-year-old son. Then she had her nap. The kid didn’t want to disturb his mom during her nap so he banged on my door while I was working to change a diaper. Fair enough, if I were a 13-year-old boy I might not feel comfortable changing a baby girl. I asked where his mom was and he said she was napping. I woke her up and told her that she had agreed to watch her niece and to do so.”

Later on when her husband arrived back home, she brought this all up to him. She and her husband figured his family had 3 options: pay them rent, find somewhere else to live, or pitch in around their home.

Lais – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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