
She’s Refusing To Help Her Brother In School Anymore Because He And Her Mom Keep Taking Advantage Of Her And Forcing Her To Do His Work

Regardless of her mom’s input, she still decided to go with her gut and started working on her project first. And out of spite, she opted to take her time. That way, she wouldn’t have to do her brother’s work or help him.

To her total shock, though, he wound up just copying her entire project. And even though she thought he did a horrible job, the fact that he tried to copy her at all made her furious– especially because the project was supposed to be about their own perspective on the movie, not any specific course material.

“So imagine my surprise when I found out that my brother and I shared the same opinions about the movie,” she vented.

That’s why she was forced to take matters into her own hand again. She ended up writing him an entirely new paper after she freaked out on him and called a bunch of friends for help.

Even after that whole debacle, though, her mom still expects her to help her brother out with their next exam– which is set to take place in one week. But quite frankly, she has had enough. So, she decided to finally put her foot down and tell her mom no.

Her mom just did not understand her perspective, though, and wound up screaming at her. Plus, her mom blatantly denied the fact that they had been taking advantage of her and mistreating her throughout the whole school year.

So now, even though she feels like she has a right to stand up for herself, she’s still been left wondering whether refusing to help her brother with his exam preparations makes her a jerk or not.

Is it her responsibility to do her brother’s work? Why do you think her mom is supporting his laziness instead of teaching him a lesson? Did she have a right to put her foot down? What would you do in this situation? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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