
This Piano Teacher Refused To Provide A Little Girl With Free Lessons After She Broke A Piano Key And Her Mom Wouldn’t Pay The $500 Repair Fee

cherryandbees - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

This professional musician and music teacher currently has a piano at their house that they use to give piano lessons.

But recently, while teaching their neighbor’s daughter, the little girl accidentally did some serious harm while playing the instrument.

Apparently, one of the piano keys was significantly damaged. And after reaching out to a repair company, the piano teacher learned it would cost about $500 to fix the single key.

“Which was a lot of money for me to pay out of my pocket,” they said.

So, the piano teacher wound up talking to the little girl’s mom about the damage. And thankfully, the woman was very apologetic and even offered to pay the repair costs.

After the teacher agreed to be reimbursed for the damage, though, the woman went back on her offer. More specifically, she wound up calling back later and explaining how she could not afford to pay $500 for the piano repair.

Instead, the little girl’s mother actually just asked if the piano teacher would be willing to provide free piano lessons to her daughter!

And while this is obviously not a fair trade, the piano teacher still felt torn about what to do.

“Because I could understand how important music lessons could be to a young child,” they explained.

cherryandbees – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

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