
This Doctor Is Explaining The Cosmetic Procedures You Definitely Don’t Need To Get

And lastly, she touches on the topic of non-surgical nose jobs. In under fifteen minutes, you can transform the entire profile of your face with injectable nose fillers.

Before, the shape of your nose could only be altered through plastic surgery. But now, doctors can work with hyaluronic acid gels to mold your nose into your desired shape.

This facial modification is riskier than most people think. For individuals who undergo this type of nose job, there is actually a chance that they could go blind.

What you choose to do with your body is up to you, but you should always be cautious of any new cosmetic trends you see on social media. Do your own research, and consult with licensed professionals.


Cosmetic procedures that you just don’t need! Jumping on the de-influencing trend to tell you to cancel your appointment asap. #foxeyethreadlift #nonsurgicalrhinoplasty #russianlips #butterflylips #beautytok #fillers #cosmeticprocedures #deinfluencing

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