
Guys Open Up About What Pushes Them To Lose Interest On The First Date

“I had a guy flat-out tell me, ‘Why would you tell me these things?’ This was nearly 15 years ago, and it stopped me in my tracks.”


“If someone were to start talking to me about mental health or trauma before I knew them, I would not go out again.”


“Also, talking too much about religious and political beliefs on the first few dates gives me the ick.”


Talking About Exes

“If she talks about her exes non-stop. Especially if she’s humble-bragging about how much money they have and all the awesome things that he did for her and the great places he took her.”

“If he is that great, why isn’t she still with him?”


“I don’t mind knowing the basic reason why y’all broke up. But I really don’t need to hear the story.”

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