
She Doesn’t Keep Sweets In The House For Her Niece, And One Mom Accused Her Of Restricting What Her Niece Can Eat

Alena Ozerova - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

There’s a lot of debate surrounding whether or not you should feed your kids the same food you eat, especially if you follow a specific diet or nutrition program.

One woman takes care of her young niece, and they both decided to stop eating sweets and desserts. Now, a mom at her niece’s school is concerned that she’s being restricted. 

She’s 27 years old and has been caring for her nine-year-old niece, Zoe, for almost a year after her brother and sister-in-law sadly passed away. It’s been a busy time, especially since she works a stressful job on top of everything.

She’s been eating a fairly low-carb diet since she was 24. She also doesn’t eat much sugar, which she says makes her feel good and gives her more energy. 

“My diet consists mostly of meat served with fruits and vegetables,” she explained.

“But if I crave a slice of pizza or a helping of Pad Thai every now and then, I don’t beat myself over it.”

When Zoe went to live with her, she made sure she had all sorts of food in the house, including different carbs like rice and potatoes. They go out to eat once or twice a week, and Zoe can buy what she wants for lunch at school.

She used to keep dessert in the house for Zoe to eat after dinner every night. However, she wouldn’t eat it with her and would usually eat some fruit while Zoe tucked into something sweeter.

“Zoe asked why I didn’t eat any dessert with her, and I told her for me, fruits are yummier and healthier,” she recalled.

Alena Ozerova – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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