She Doesn’t Want Her Sister To Attend Her Wedding Because Her Sister Suffered A TBI And Has Trouble Navigating Social Situations

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

She Has A Younger Sister Who Had A Promising Future

standret – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual children

This thirty-year-old woman has a younger sister named Liz, who is twenty-six. And, while growing up, she claims that Liz had an extremely promising future.

Her Sister Went To An Ivy League College

Jannis Werner – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual college

Apparently, her sister was a beautiful and charming young woman who had the smarts to match. Liz was consistently first in every class and even ended up attending an Ivy League school.

But Then Her Sister Suffered A Traumatic Brain Injury

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But then, a few years ago, everything changed after her sister suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) as the result of a car accident.

Her Sister No Longer Understands Social Cues

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

So now, Liz is unable to understand a lot of social cues and is slow to respond in conversations. She also claims that her sister sometimes throws tantrums, similar to a “moody teen.”

She Loves Her Sister, But She Acts Like A Kid

Africa Studio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“I love my sister, but the easiest way to explain it is that she can act like a child,” she admitted.

She’s Getting Married Soon And Dreams Of A Perfect Wedding

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In August of this year, though, she will be getting married to her fiancé, John, who is thirty-three. And like most girls, she revealed that she had dreamt about having a perfect wedding for a long time.

However, She Doesn’t Want Her Sister To Come

Tasha Sinchuk – – illustrative purposes only

So, she was quite blunt in revealing that she honestly just does not want her sister Liz to attend the event.

She’s Worried Her Sister Will Cause A Scene

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Apparently, she believes that her mother would just hover over her sister the entire time. Moreover, she is worried that Liz might cause a scene during the ceremony or reception.

She’s Having Her Wedding At A Hotel And Came Up With A Solution For Her Sister

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Anyway, since the wedding will be held at a hotel, she decided to propose a different arrangement. She suggested that they book a room for Liz so that way her sister is still nearby during the event.

Her Sister Can Have Her Own Hotel Room So She Can Be Close To The Wedding

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Then, if there comes a time when her sister needs their mom, her mom can just head upstairs to check in on Liz.

Her Sister Has No Problem Being Alone

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“And I say this because Liz can stay alone and has stayed alone in the past. So, that is not an issue, and she is occupied with a movie or something,” she explained.

Her Mom Doesn’t Like Her Solution

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Well, her mom ended up viewing the situation quite differently and believes that she should definitely include her little sister in her big day– even if she just allows Liz to attend the ceremony.

She Just Wants Her Wedding To Be Perfect, So It Can’t Include Her Sister

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Still, though, she was pretty opposed to this and reportedly tried to tell her mom that she just wanted “her perfect day.” But she claims that her mom refused to hear that– so she ended up getting kind of snarky.

Her Mom Thinks She’s Being Selfish

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“I said maybe she should think about me for a minute instead of Liz,” she revealed.

Her Mom Is Also Angry At Her

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And now, her mom is seriously mad at her and is even refusing to talk to her. Her dad agrees and also believes she should apologize to her mom.

All Her Friends Understand Her Side Though

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On the other hand, though, she claims that her friends have all taken her side. At the same time, her fiancé, John, believes that she should be more understanding of the situation. Moreover, he pointed out how she would be hurting Liz by excluding her from the event.

Her Family And Friends Are Left Divided

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So now, with her family and friends totally divided over the issue, she has been left wondering whether not wanting her sister to attend her wedding makes her a total jerk or not.

How do you think Liz would feel knowing she was excluded from the event? At the same token, is it fair for her to want her “perfect wedding?” Do you believe her proposed compromise was reasonable or not? If you were in her shoes, how would you handle this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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