
She Found Out That Her Best Friend Is Sleeping With A Married Man Who Won’t Leave His Wife, And She’s So Disappointed

Andrey Kiselev - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A 24-year-old woman recently found out that her best friend is sleeping with a 42-year-old married man who won’t leave his wife, and she’s so disappointed in her best friend.

Her best friend wound up meeting this married man at work, and things between them began with some mild flirting.

From there, though, this guy asked her best friend out for an official date, and she said yes.

The thing is, her best friend had absolutely no idea that this guy was married with a wife and a kid, but as soon as her best friend found out she did the right thing and ended things between them.

“My friend and I went out to dinner a few days ago, and I come to find out that she’d started talking to him again but kept it to herself for months,” she explained.

“Now they’re having an affair, he’s buying her expensive gifts and blowing off his family for her. To make it even worse she thinks she’s fallen in love with him.”

“She wants him to leave his wife, but he’s said he won’t because of their young son. She’s just accepted that and is happy for the affair to continue regardless, which I just think is so dumb.”

“I’m just so unbelievably disappointed in her, and the whole thing makes me sick to my stomach. I never thought she could do this, and my heart breaks for this guy’s wife. He’s openly told my best friend that his wife is lovely and hasn’t done anything wrong, but “she’s not exciting enough for him.”

She desperately wishes that she could intervene and alert this guy’s wife to what’s really going on here, but she doesn’t even know the man’s name.

Andrey Kiselev – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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