
She Hooked Up With A Guy And Then Offered To Be His Friend With Benefits, But He Totally Rejected Her

Farknot Architect - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old woman ended up hooking up with a guy a year ago, and that was the first time she ever did anything with a guy.

She really did take her time before jumping into things with him because she wasn’t entirely positive that she was ready, and she was worried she might have been in over her head.

But she thought about how everything was casual between them, and that gave her the confidence to follow through.

She thought the casual nature of their relationship meant that he could walk away whenever, and she could chalk it up as a one-time deal.

She took the plunge and figured from there, they could be friends with benefits in a perfect world. She really did want to keep seeing him, especially since she was super attracted to him.

After hooking up with this guy, though, things fizzled right out. She did end up trying to see him several more times, but the timing was always off.

They never did end up spending any time together after that one initial hookup, and then their messages to one another died out.

Feeling exasperated, she finally reached back out to him to say that she really wanted to be his friend with benefits before asking him point blank if he felt the same way.

In response, this guy just told her that he would get back to her on that. She is aware that this is basically a no, and she got rejected.

Farknot Architect – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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